Monday, February 8, 2016

The windows of heaven opened.

Wowie, a lot has happened, and I have fallen behind on my writing. This new semester for Sean and I has been an interesting ride thus far. I decided to only take 14 credits, so we could spend more time together, attend the temple regulatory, work out, and cook! Right at the beginning of the semester it seemed everything was going wrong. My car broke down, my laptop died, our freezer stopped working causing most of the food to spoil, and random expenses that started adding up. My practicum was in middle school resource. Lets just say its draining, tough, and makes me feel totally exhausted. I started to feel overwhelmed and stuck. We just blew through all of our pell grant money from the new semester, and we rely on that money to get us though the semester for groceries, rent, my books ect. It's "dead season" for photographers, because wedding season hasn't hit yet. We were making what we had work, but we were both afraid of another random expense.

During this time I was asked in one of my religion classes to develop an attribute of Christ. I chose meekness, because my husband is truly meek. Its his strength and my weakness. While reading and praying I felt the impression that I needed to humble myself and act on any and every prompting that comes my way regardless of the awkwardness or situation. Promptings came flooding in. From sharing my testimony with strangers, walking up to random girls on campus telling them I felt I should tell them that they would be a great missionary, inviting neighbors to move in, feeding basically everyone around me, and giving more of my time than what I felt I had. I realized God has so much work for me to do here in Rexburg. I didn't think much of my efforts, its just what every one should do- help those around you.

Moroni 7:43

43 And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart.

Although we were overwhelmed we came together and asked in prayer for the guidance to know what to do. I began looking for a part time job, but I didn't want to work more than 10 hours, and it seemed impossible to find. I didn't want Sean to have to pick up another job, or more hours than what he was already working. We continued to pray, pay our tithing, and have trust that it would all work out. Sean really is an amazing person. He comforts me, sustains me, and is very optimistic. One night I began praying for a way to get some extra income. Not more than 20 minuets had passed by when I got an email from a teacher asking me if I would be interested in being his TA! The best part is that it would only be around 10 hours a week, My heart overflowed with gratitude. This wasn't happenstance, or some sort of karma, this was a direct blessing from God. I knew it, and I felt it. My teacher was inspired and I am grateful he acted upon his promptings. I thanked God for this blessing, and continued with life. Then I started getting weddings booked like crazy! I would wake up to 3-4 emails about weddings every day! This was different, and absolutely wonderful! I was gathering deposits weekly, and being able to put money back into our savings. I then woke up to another email from the school saying they re-opened the academic scholarship for me, and that they were re-funding my tuition. None of this is by my doing. All of these blessings come from Him.

Malachi 3:10

I can testify that God is mindful of his children. He knows us. He knows our struggles. He is mindful of our situations. Through trials of learning we gain a stronger relationship with Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. A relationship of trust and love. Knowing God trusts me with promptings is an amazing feeling and blessing. I am weak, and my flaws are apparent. However, through Him I can find my strength, and the ability to keep moving.

“God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future–to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities. God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe.” Jeffrey R. Holland, Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast, CES Fireside, September 2004

Keep moving, keep dreaming, and keep becoming. All he asks of us, is to come unto him.

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